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Are rising rates leaving you with rising stress levels?

Don’t worry, here are 4 helpful tips to save your sanity.

Just like you, many agents are feeling the pressure during these times of uncertainty, and it can be hard to keep up the positive attitude when sales slow down and your pay cheque diminishes.

However, these times will come and go in the industry and it’s a good idea to keep your foundations in the hardest of times to ensure that you don’t burnout when the ‘good times’ do come back around, and they will.

If you’re an established agent, you may have been through the peaks and troughs of the market and the below will remind you of techniques to get you through. If this is your first downturn, these tips have been shared by our agents who have survived, then thrived after, a tough market.

So what can you do to make sure your spirits are high?

1. Keep a positive attitude and stick to the basics.

We know that the competition will fade away, so what better time to gain more market share than during a time when people leave the industry?

Sticking to the basics such as prospecting, ensuring your marketing is running consistently and maintaining your current connections is vital during these uncertain times.

2. Set goals small and big (and remember to reward yourself along the way).

You can’t control the things that you can’t control. Market conditions are one of these things, and you need to adjust your expectations accordingly.

Setting goals for yourself and hitting them is one of the most fulfilling parts of being a real estate agent. Setting some realistic KPIs for yourself and matching that with rewards is something so powerful that you will not know yourself until you try!

3. Put yourself first.

Sounds a bit selfish right? If you’re not looking after yourself, how can you be there to look after others and provide the best service? So go get that morning exercise routine in shape, treat yourself to a massage or take some ‘me’ time doing the things you love most.

Whilst doing the above will put you in good spirits and can make a real difference, you probably need to ask yourself if you’re actually doing the things you love most.

4. If you’re not coping, seek help.

We’re not superheroes and we’re not bulletproof. It can be a hard pill to swallow to seek help, however, there are more avenues to talk about it than you think.

Those closest to you are more than likely willing to be there as someone to lean on and talk to about your mental health and wellbeing – reach out and ask for help, even if it’s hard to do so.

Not comfortable talking to your close contacts? Speak to a third party like your GP, other health providers, or through the RiSE Real Care App.

If you’re finding yourself being pressured to work extra hours to make up for a slower market, it might be time to consider your best career move.

For our UrbanX partners, they’re not immune to the stresses of being an agent, but by being in control of their day-to-day and by keeping up to 90% of their GCI, they have the time and money to invest in themselves.


At UrbanX we take all the stress out of running a successful Real Estate business allowing you to focus on the things you love.

With our 75 strong support team, we do ALL the tedious tasks so you don’t have to. This frees up your time to build your business and gives you the flexibility take time out when you need – just this week alone, three of our partners told us how they enjoy a dedicated weekday off to refresh and reset.

So I guess now is the time to reflect and think about the above to keep your spirits high but also to rethink the way your career is playing out working for someone else. Is all that extra stress and hard work benefiting you, or benefiting your boss?

To see what your income could look like, use our commission calculator now.

→ See how it good it feels to be in control, like these UrbanX partners  Soul Property Agents, Salt Property, and PerryCooper.

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